We offer the Major in Social Innovation program
to cultivate talents equipped with Changemakership.
Guidelines for the Major in Social Innovation Curriculum
The curriculum of Hanyang University's Major in Social Innovation, a cradle for fostering global changemakers, can be found in the table below.
We welcome your suggestions for courses you would like to see added to the curriculum.
The curriculum affiliation is based on the student's "year of study at the time of major approval.". The 2024-2027 curriculum applies to students who enrolled as first-year students in the 2024 academic year..
Please remember that the year of study is determined based on the completion of the major application, regardless of your student ID number!
Example 1) A student who enrolled in 2022 and starts taking Social Innovation major courses in 2025 as a second-year student: Affiliated with the 2024-2027 curriculum.
Example 2) A student who enrolled in 2022 and starts taking Social Innovation major courses in 2025 as a third-year student: Affiliated with the 2020-2023 curriculum.
Example 3) A student who enrolled in 2019, applied for the Social Innovation Major as a second major in 2021 during their second year, and switched to a minor in 2027 as a third-year student:
Affiliated with the 2020-2023 curriculum at the time of applying for the second major and transitioned to the 2024-2027 curriculum after switching to a minor.
Social Innovation Interdisciplinary Program 2024-2027 Curriculum
No. | Course Code | Course Name | Course Name (English) | Course Classification | Credit Hours | Credit | 이수학년 | Semester | Department in Charge | Prerequisite Selection Requirement |
1 | INV2001 | 국제개발협력의이해 | Understanding of Development Cooperation | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
2 | INV2004 | CSR과사회혁신 | CSR for Social Innovation | Advanced | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | |
3 | INV2006 | 체인지메이커십 | Changemake Ship | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
4 | INV2008 | 지속가능한도시와소셜리빙랩 | Sustainable city and social living lab | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
5 | INV2011 | 지속가능개발과젠더 | Sustainable Development and Gender | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | |
6 | INV2013 | 패션액티비즘과사회혁신 | Fashion Activism & Social Innovation | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | |
7 | INV3009 | ESG전략과사회혁신 | ESG Strategy and Social Innovation | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | |
8 | INV2002 | 사회적금융과미래혁신 | Social Finance & Future Innovation | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
9 | INV2003 | 사회혁신공감실습 | Social Innovation Empathy Practice | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
10 | INV2007 | 사회혁신과시민사회조직 | Social Innovation & CSOs (Civil Society Organizations) | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
11 | INV2010 | 지속가능한도시와소셜리빙랩2 | Sustainable City and Social Living Lab 2 | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
12 | INV2014 | 국제개발협력과ICT4ED | International Development Cooperation and ICT4ED | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
13 | INV3010 | 초고령화시대와비즈니스혁신전략 | The Age of Super-Aging and Business Innovation Strategy | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
14 | INV2015 | 사회혁신과임팩트비즈니스 | Social Innovation & Impact Business | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
15 | INV3001 | 사회적경제와미래혁신 | Social Economy and Future Innovation | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 3rd year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | |
16 | INV3002 | 사회혁신캡스톤디자인을위한창의적문제해결론 | The theory of creative problem solving for capstone design | Core | 400 | 3 | 3rd year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | |
17 | INV3011 | 사회혁신을위한시스템사고 | Systems Thinking for Social Innovation | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
18 | CUL1152 | 기후변화와임팩트비즈니스 | Climate Change and Impact Business | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
19 | INV3007 | 임팩트측정및커뮤니케이션 | Impact evaluation and communication | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
20 | INV3008 | 기후위기와협동조합탈탄소화 | Climate Crisis and Decarbonization of Cooperatives | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
21 | INV4001 | 나로부터시작하는사회혁신과라이프디자인 | Social innovation staring with me and Life Design | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
22 | INV4002 | 사회혁신을위한질적연구방법론및실습 | Qualitative research methodology and practice for social innovation | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
23 | VEN3005 | 창업실습:캠퍼스CEO | Startup practice: Campus CEO | Core | 400 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
24 | BUS4113 | 비즈니스프로젝트학기 | Business Project Semester | Advanced | 400 | 9 | 4th year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | |
25 | BUS1060 | 경제의이해 | Understanding of Economics | Core | 100 | 3 | 1st year | Spring | School of Business | |
26 | ECO1001 | 경제학입문 | Introduction to Economics | Core | 100 | 3 | 1st year | Spring | College of Economics and Finance | |
27 | CUL1119 | 인구변화와미래복지 | Changing Population & Future Welfare | Core | 200 | 3 | 1st year | Fall | Graduate School of International Studies Administration Office | |
28 | DIS2002 | Introduction to Microeconomics | Introduction to Microeconomics | Core | 200 | 3 | 1st year | Fall | School of International Studies | |
29 | DIS2003 | Introduction to Business Administration | Introduction to Business Administration | Core | 200 | 3 | 1st year | Fall | School of International Studies | |
30 | MOT0004 | 디자인과기술혁신 | Design-driven innovation | Core | 300 | 3 | 1st year | Fall | School of Interdisciplinary Industrial Studies | |
31 | APS4016 | 사회혁신의이해 | Understanding Social Innovation | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Applied Systems | Required |
32 | BUS3002 | 재무관리 | FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | Advanced | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | School of Business | |
33 | BUS4019 | 전략경영론 | Strategic Management | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | School of Business | |
34 | ECO2030 | 경제사 | History of World Economy | Advanced | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | College of Economics and Finance | |
35 | VEN2014 | 창업기초:사회적기업가정신액션러닝 | Startup basic: Social Entrepreneurship action learning | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | The Center For Global Entrepreneurship | Required |
36 | BUS1003 | 재무회계1 | Intermediate Accounting 1 | Advanced | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | School of Business | |
37 | CUL1174 | 사회혁신을위한미디어의이해 | Understanding the Media for Social Innovation | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Department of Media and Communication | |
38 | DCE4002 | 스포츠사회학 | Sociology for Sports | Core | 100 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Department of Sports Industry | |
39 | DIS2022 | International Organizations | International Organizations | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | School of International Studies | |
40 | EDU2058 | 교육의사회적기초 | Sociological Foundation of Education | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Department of Education | |
41 | PAD2056 | 지방자치론 | LOCAL AUTONOMY | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Department of Public Administration | |
42 | PAD3004 | 정책학개론 | Introduction to Public Policy | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Department of Policy | |
43 | BUS3039 | 벤처창업론 | New Venture Creation | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Spring | School of Business | |
44 | GEN5026 | 테크노경영학(스타트업종합설계) | Techno-Business Administration(Startup Capstone Design) | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Spring | Innovation Center for Engineering Education | |
45 | PAD3052 | 복지행정론 | Public Welfare Administration | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Spring | Department of Public Administration | |
46 | DIS2035 | The Political Economy of East Asia | The Political Economy of East Asia | Advanced | 200 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | School of International Studies | |
47 | ECO3092 | 사회보장과노동정책 | Social Security and Labor Market Policies | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | College of Economics and Finance | |
48 | PSD3057 | 국제개발협력과아프리카 | International Development Cooperation and Africa | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Department of Political Science and International Studies | |
49 | SOC3032 | 사회문제의분석 | Analysis of Social Problemes | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Department of Sociology | |
50 | VEN3004 | 창업실습:협력적비즈니스모델의성공조건 | Startup Practice:Promoting Cooperative Business Model | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | The Center For Global Entrepreneurship | |
51 | DIS1018 | Global Ethics | Global Ethics | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 4th year | Spring | School of International Studies | |
52 | BUS5011 | ESG경영전략 | ESG Strategy | Core | 300 | 3 | 4th year | Fall | School of Business | |
53 | ECO4066 | 정부와경제발전 | GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 4th year | Fall | College of Economics and Finance | |
54 | PBL4005 | 경영대학캡스톤PBL | Business School Capstone PBL | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 4th year | Fall | School of Business | |
55 | SOC3033 | 사회복지와사회정책 | Social Welfare & Social Policy | Core | 300 | 3 | 4th year | Fall | Department of Sociology | |
56 | PBL4028 | 사회혁신캡스톤PBL | Social Innovation Capstone PBL | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 4th year | 전학기 | Major in Social Innovation | |
57 | INV4003 | 글로벌사회혁신의여정: 개념,접근,그리고사례 | Journey of Global Social Innovation: Concepts, Approaches, and Cases | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 4th year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation |
1. Depending on the department's circumstances, the codeshare course may be canceled and not offered.
2. For courses managed by the School of Business, they will be offered during the add/drop period after the semester begins, so please make sure to register during the correction period.
3. Due to the nature of the Major in Social Innovation, there are changes in the courses offered each semester, and the curriculum may include courses that are not actually available.
사회혁신융합전공 2020~2023 교육과정
No. | Course Code | Course Name | Course Name (English) | Course Classification | Credit Hours | Credit | 이수학년 | Semester | Department in Charge | Prerequisite Selection Requirement |
1 | INV2001 | 국제개발협력의이해 | Understanding of Development Cooperation | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
2 | INV2004 | CSR과사회혁신 | CSR for Social Innovation | Advanced | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
3 | INV2006 | 체인지메이커십 | Changemake Ship | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
4 | INV2008 | 지속가능한도시와소셜리빙랩 | Sustainable city and social living lab | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
5 | INV2011 | 지속가능개발과젠더 | Sustainable Development and Gender | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | |
6 | INV2013 | 패션액티비즘과사회혁신 | Fashion Activism & Social Innovation | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | |
7 | INV3009 | ESG전략과사회혁신 | ESG Strategy and Social Innovaiton | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | |
8 | INV3001 | 사회적경제와미래혁신 | Social Economy and Future Innovation | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
9 | INV3002 | 사회혁신캡스톤디자인을위한창의적문제해결론 | The theory of creative problem solving for capstone design | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
10 | INV3011 | 사회혁신을위한시스템사고 | Systems Thinking for Social Innovation | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation | |
11 | CUL1121 | 사회혁신캡스톤디자인(Plus) | Capstone Design for Social Innovation(Plus) | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
12 | EDU2058 | 교육의사회적기초 | Sociological Foundation of Education | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
13 | INV2002 | 사회적금융과미래혁신 | Social Finance & Future Innovation | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
14 | INV2003 | 사회혁신공감실습 | Social Innovation Empathy Practice | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
15 | INV2007 | 사회혁신과시민사회조직 | Social Innovation & CSOs (Civil Society Organizations) | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
16 | INV2009 | 사회혁신캡스톤디자인(Basic) | Capstone Design for Social Innovation(Basic) | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
17 | INV2010 | 지속가능한도시와소셜리빙랩2 | Sustainable City and Social Living Lab 2 | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | Required |
18 | INV3010 | 초고령화시대와비즈니스혁신전략 | The Age of Super-Aging and Business Innovation Strategy | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
19 | INV2015 | 사회혁신과임팩트비즈니스 | Social Innovation & Impact Business | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
20 | INV2014 | 국제개발협력과ICT4ED | International Development Cooperation and ICT4ED | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
21 | CUL1152 | 기후변화와임팩트비즈니스 | Climate Change and Impact Business | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
22 | INV3007 | 임팩트측정및커뮤니케이션 | Impact evaluation and communication | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
23 | INV3008 | 기후위기와협동조합탈탄소화 | Climate Crisis and Decarbonization of Cooperatives | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
24 | INV4001 | 나로부터시작하는사회혁신과라이프디자인 | Social innovation staring with me and Life Design | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
25 | INV4002 | 사회혁신을위한질적연구방법론및실습 | Qualitative research methodology and practice for social innovation | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
26 | VEN3005 | 창업실습:캠퍼스CEO | Startup practice: Campus CEO | Core | 400 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
27 | BUS4113 | 비즈니스프로젝트학기 | Business Project Semester | Advanced | 400 | 9 | 4th year | Fall | Major in Social Innovation | |
28 | BUS1060 | 경제의이해 | Understanding of Economics | Core | 100 | 3 | 1st year | Spring | School of Business | |
29 | ECO1001 | 경제학입문 | Introduction to Economics | Core | 100 | 3 | 1st year | Spring | College of Economics and Finance | |
30 | CUL1119 | 인구변화와미래복지 | Changing Population & Future Welfare | Core | 100 | 3 | 1st year | Fall | Graduate School of International Studies Administration Office | |
31 | DIS2002 | Introduction to Economics | Introduction to Economics | Core | 200 | 3 | 1st year | Fall | School of International Studies | |
32 | DIS2003 | Introduction to Business Administration | Introduction to Business Administration | Core | 200 | 3 | 1st year | Fall | School of International Studies | |
33 | APS4016 | 사회혁신의이해 | Understanding Social Innovation | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | Major in Applied Systems | Required |
34 | BUS3002 | 재무관리 | FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | Advanced | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | School of Business | |
35 | ECO2030 | 경제사 | History of World Economy | Advanced | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | College of Economics and Finance | |
36 | VEN2014 | 창업기초:사회적기업가정신액션러닝 | Startup basic: Social Entrepreneurship action learning | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | The Center For Global Entrepreneurship | Required |
37 | BUS4019 | 전략경영론 | Strategic Management | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Spring | School of Business | |
38 | BUS1003 | 재무회계1 | Intermediate Accounting 1 | Advanced | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | School of Business | |
39 | CUL1174 | 사회혁신을위한미디어의이해 | Understanding the Media for Social Innovation | Core | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Department of Media and Communication | |
40 | DCE4002 | 스포츠사회학 | Sociology for Sports | Core | 100 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Department of Sports Industry | |
41 | DIS2022 | International Organizations | International Organizations | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | School of International Studies | |
42 | PAD2056 | 지방자치론 | LOCAL AUTONOMY | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Department of Public Administration | |
43 | PAD3004 | 정책학개론 | Introduction to Public Policy | Core | 200 | 3 | 2nd Year | Fall | Department of Policy | |
44 | GEN5026 | 테크노경영학(스타트업종합설계) | Techno-Business Administration(Startup Capstone Design) | Advanced | 100 | 3 | 3rd year | Spring | Innovation Center for Engineering Education | |
45 | PAD3052 | 복지행정론 | Public Welfare Administration | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Spring | Department of Public Administration | |
46 | BUS3039 | 벤처창업론 | New Venture Creation | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Spring | School of Business | |
47 | DIS2035 | The Political Economy of East Asia | The Political Economy of East Asia | Advanced | 200 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | School of International Studies | |
48 | ECO3092 | 사회보장과노동정책 | Social Security and Labor Market Policies | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | College of Economics and Finance | |
49 | PSD3057 | 국제개발협력과아프리카 | International Development Cooperation and Africa | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Department of Political Science and International Studies | |
50 | SOC3032 | 사회문제의분석 | Analysis of Social Problemes | Advanced | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | Department of Sociology | |
51 | VEN3004 | 창업실습:협력적비즈니스모델의성공조건 | Startup Practice:Promoting Cooperative Business Model | Core | 300 | 3 | 3rd year | Fall | The Center For Global Entrepreneurship | |
52 | BUS4106 | 비즈니스실습 | Business Practicum | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 4th year | Spring | School of Business | |
53 | DIS1018 | Global Ethics | Global Ethics | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 4th year | Spring | School of International Studies | |
54 | BUS4107 | 사회혁신실습 | Practicum on Social Innovation | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 4th year | Fall | School of Business | Required |
55 | BUS5011 | ESG경영전략 | ESG Strategy | Core | 300 | 3 | 4th year | Fall | School of Business | Required |
56 | ECO4066 | 정부와경제발전 | GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 4th year | Fall | College of Economics and Finance | |
57 | SOC3033 | 사회복지와사회정책 | Social Welfare & Social Policy | Core | 300 | 3 | 4th year | Fall | Department of Sociology | |
58 | PBL4005 | 경영대학캡스톤PBL | Business School Capstone PBL | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 4th year | Fall | School of Business | |
59 | PBL4028 | 사회혁신캡스톤PBL | Social Innovation Capstone PBL | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 4th year | 전학기 | Major in Social Innovation | |
60 | INV4003 | 글로벌사회혁신의여정: 개념,접근,그리고사례 | Journey of Global Social Innovation: Concepts, Approaches, and Cases | Advanced | 400 | 3 | 4th year | Spring | Major in Social Innovation |
1. Depending on the department's circumstances, the codeshare course may be canceled and not offered.
2. For courses managed by the School of Business, they will be offered during the add/drop period after the semester begins, so please make sure to register during the correction period.
3. Due to the nature of the Major in Social Innovation, there are changes in the courses offered each semester, and the curriculum may include courses that are not actually available. We ask for your understanding that these courses have not been removed for the benefit of current students.