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HYU Social Service Team

Participating Program Application

Introducing the Social Service Team of Hanyang University Seoul Campus.

Hanyang University aims to cultivate changemakers who will
empathize with the world and lead the transformation of future society.

Hanyang University established the first university-based social service team in 1994 to practice "Love in Action"
Through organic collaborations in education, service, and entrepreneurship with students (Hope Hanyang), faculty and staff (Happy Hanyang), alumni (Together Hanyang), and the local community, the university has become synonymous with social contribution.
With pride in being the 'first' and a commitment to fulfilling its social responsibility as a leading university in social innovation, Hanyang operates the participatory practice-based course 'Hanyang Social Service' and offers the 'Social Innovation Interdisciplinary Major' to enhance expertise.
Through the "Major in Social Innovation," we aim to provide education that strengthens expertise while also serving as an on-campus and off-campus social innovation hub through collaboration with local communities and organizations.

Public Mind

Awareness of public responsibility and
a sense of duty as a leader

Value Creation

Skills for creating social added value,
such as digital communication

Global Networking

Skills for connecting various resources
to solve social issues

Social Service Team

Social Service Team Operating Hours (During the Semester)

08:30 AM to 5:30 PM (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays)

*Lunch Break: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM*

Representative Number

☎ 02-2220-1004, 2208

Department Activities (Curricular)

– Hanyang Social Service Course (Han-sa-Bong / 1 Credit)
– Major in Social Innovation
– Support for experimental materials in Capstone Design courses in Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Education, and Arts/Sports.
– Support for operating Living Lab classes

Department Activities (Non-Curricular)

– Planning and Operation of the Social Economy Leadership Program
– Publication of SSIR Korean Edition (Administrative support for SSIR Korea team)
– Support for participation and operation of the Asia Pacific Youth Exchange (APYE) domestic and international programs
– Operation of the Social Innovation Changemaker Group (Hope Hanyang Leader Group)
– Planning and operation of domestic and international student volunteer activities
– Operation of Local Government Collaboration Program (Kids Changemaker)
– Operation of Social Innovation Talent Development RCC (Changemaker)
– Development of Design Thinking CMG Kit
– Collaboration with local small businesses to select "Good Stores"
– Operation of the Boknanum Mentoring Program
– Operation of the Social Venture Startup Track (Startup Clubs, Boot Camps, Idea Competitions)
– Planning and operation of the Social Innovation Outcome Sharing Event "17 Hearts Festival"
– Planning and operation of the Sustainable ESG Leadership Program



    Please make sure to enter your email address and phone number correctly in order to receive a response.
    Please note that due to public holidays and weekends, prompt responses to your inquiry may not be possible. We appreciate your understanding.
    Please note that if the sender's information is unclear or the inquiry appears to be frivolous or spam, we will not respond.


    [04763] 222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Hanyang Plaza, 2nd Floor, Social Service Team
