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Introduction / Curriculum
Essential Courses that Hanyang University Students Must Complete
Research on Hanyang University's Social Service Courses
Imagine the world that will change because of you!

HYU Social Service Courses


Hanyang University offers social service courses with the aim of providing education based on social innovation from the ground up.

The Major in Social Innovation is a program that equips students with the core competencies of a social innovation change maker,
while the social service courses serve as foundational education that Hanyang University students must acquire as essential qualities for being active members of the community.

Since 2018, the social service team has been linking students' social service course activities with the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) announced by the United Nations.

Students are required to complete 2 hours of essential orientation training to recognize and develop awareness of the 17 directions for global social issues presented by the UN.
They will also receive 1 credit upon completing 30 hours of volunteer work in the field, aimed at training their ability to solve social problems.
As of 2018, Hanyang University has collaborated with over 1,300 social service organizations and institutions to plan and operate various volunteer programs. Each year, approximately 3,000 students complete the social service course.

The social service course is designated as a graduation requirement for Hanyang University students, aiming to realize the university's founding mission of " Love in Action"

Completion Procedure

1. Social Service Courses

  • – Course Registration Period by Semester
  • – Select Volunteer Program during Registration

2. Complete Orientation Training

  • – Once per semester / 2 hours

3. Complete 30 or more hours of volunteer work

  • – Volunteer activities are conducted by the service organizations during the semester

4. Submit Report

  • – Submit a Volunteer Reflection Paper
  • - Write on HY-in (Hanyang University Portal)

5. Grade Evaluation and Confirmation (P/F)
(Professor's Evaluation)

  • - Completion of all three requirements is mandatory
  • - Grades can be checked on the HY-in portal after evaluation

Course Registration

• Log in to the 'Course Registration Page' ⇒ Click 'Social Service' on the top menu ⇒ Click 'Social Service Course Registration'
• Select 'General Education' under Course Type and 'All' under Service Area, then click 'Search' ⇒ Apply for the program ⇒ Choose the Basic Orientation/Character Education Day
• After the course registration period (including adjustments and cancellations), program application, changes, or cancellations are absolutely not allowed.

■ Basic Orientation/Character Education (Required)

• Attend the training session selected during course registration (A total of 2 hours must be completed)
– If the Basic Orientation/Character Education (2 hours) is not completed, the grade will be recorded as "Fail" even if other requirements are met.
– If unable to attend the Basic Orientation/Character Education session, the course for that semester cannot be completed, resulting in an automatic "F" grade.

■ Complete 30 or more hours of volunteer work (Required)

• Complete a total of 30 or more hours of volunteer work according to the program schedule provided for the semester.
– In case of schedule changes or absences, coordinate with the organization (or agency) coordinator and adjust the schedule to ensure a minimum of 30 hours of volunteer work is completed.

■ Submit a Report (Required)

• How to Submit: Log in to HY-in portal ⇒ Click the 'Class' menu at the top ⇒ Click 'Submit Social Service Report' ⇒ Complete the self-evaluation and organization evaluation, then enter the report.
• Submission Requirement: Choose either A-type or B-type on the portal and write the report in either Korean or English (same for international students).
• Failure to submit, not meeting submission requirements, poor report content, or misconduct may result in a "Fail" grade at the discretion of the supervising professor.

■ Grade Evaluation and Confirmation (P/F)

• During the semester's grade evaluation period, the supervising professor will make the final evaluation, and students can check their grades afterward.
※ For detailed information and schedules regarding the social service course, please refer to the course guide for each semester.

Operation Guidelines
Course Title Social service course (GEN4079)
Course Classification Core General Education (General Area) / Graduation Requirement (Minimum 1 Credit Required)
Credit 1 Credit (Pass or Fail)
• It may exceed the maximum allowed credits for course registration and will count toward the total graduation credits.
• A maximum of 1 credit can be registered per semester, and up to 4 credits can be recognized as graduation credits during the entire enrollment period.
• Please note that the eligibility for course registration differs between regular and seasonal semesters.
Supervising Professor
• Log in to the 'Course Registration Page' ⇒ Click 'Social Service' on the top menu ⇒ Click 'Social Service Course Registration' ⇒ Check the popup notice and proceed with registration.
• Select 'General Education' under Course Type and 'All' under Service Area, then click 'Search' ⇒ Apply for the program ⇒ Choose the Basic Orientation/Character Education Day.
• After the course registration period (including adjustments and cancellations), program application, changes, or cancellations are absolutely not allowed.
• Information related to the social service course will be sent via SMS, so please ensure that your contact details (email) in the HY-in portal are up to date.
• If you have installed the Hanyang University application, please check whether 'App Notifications' or 'SMS Notifications' are enabled to receive the notification announcements.
Competency/Personal Development
• Target Audience: Students enrolled in the Social Service course for the respective semester
• During course registration, you can choose the number of sessions and times (a total of 2 hours must be completed).
– If 2 hours of basic competency/personal development education are not completed, the grade will be recorded as "Fail" regardless of meeting other requirements.
– If unable to attend the basic competency/personal development education schedule, participation in the course for the respective semester will not be possible, and an "F" grade will be confirmed.
* Students who have previously completed 1 credit or more in the Social Service course (P) are exempt from the basic competency/personal development education.
* Students who have previously failed to complete 1 credit or more in the Social Service course (F) must complete the basic competency/personal development education.
* Students who applied for the Social Service course in the previous semester will see "Scheduled/Not Applicable" for the basic education selection when registering for the course in the current semester. Therefore, please be sure to inquire.
Activity Period
Participate in activities for a total of 30 hours or more according to the program schedule provided for the respective semester.
*If there are changes to the activity schedule or in case of absence, you must coordinate with the organization (group) coordinator and adjust the schedule to ensure a minimum of 30 hours of participation.*
Submission of
Social Service Report
Refer to the program schedule provided for the respective semester.
• How to Submit: Log in to the HY-in portal ⇒ Click on the 'Courses' menu at the top ⇒ Click on 'Submit Social Service Report' ⇒ After completing the self-evaluation and organization evaluation, enter the report.
• Submission Requirement: Choose either A-type or B-type on the portal and write the report in either Korean or English (same for international students).
• Failure to submit, not meeting submission requirements, poor report content, or misconduct may result in a "Fail" grade at the discretion of the supervising professor.
Guidelines for Grading
by the
Supervising Professor
Evaluate according to the following criteria on a Pass/Fail basis.
1. Completion of 1 session of the Social Service Course Basic Education (2 hours)
2. Activity Hours (Attendance) – At least 30 hours of participation (must be completed within the activity period)
3. Volunteering Attitude – ① Responsibility ② Diligence ③ Sociability ④ Achievement
4. Submission of Activity Report
⇒ Grading: P (Pass) / F (Fail)
Course Progress
Mandatory Requirements
1. Attendance of the basic school education (1 session/2 hours)
2. Organization (Group) Volunteer Activity (30 hours of participation within the activity period)
3. Self-evaluation, Organization Evaluation, and Activity Reflection (to be submitted via HY-in portal)
Others ※If the Social Service course is not credited in the respective semester
– Activity hours conducted by the organization (group) may be recognized through platforms such as VMS, 1365, etc.
Registered Volunteer Organizations for Course Operation
Region District Name Contact
Gangwon-do Samchuck-si 삼척교육문화관 033-570-5531
Gangwon-do Inje-gun 애향원 033-462-8594
Gyeonggi-do Gwacheon-si 국립과천과학관 02-3677-1374
Gyeonggi-do Gwangmyeong 광명장애인종합복지관 070-4510-3640
Gyeonggi-do Gwangmyeong 빛나라 소하 지역아동센터 02-897-2966
Gyeonggi-do Gwangmyeong 빛나라 하안 지역아동센터 02-897-2969
Gyeonggi-do Gwangmyeong 한살림광명지역아동센터 02-2618-2232
Gyeonggi-do Gimpo 김포시청소년육성단체 031-980-1660
Gyeonggi-do Bucheon-si 부천YMCA 032-325-3100
Gyeonggi-do Seongnam-si 성남 모란 안나의 집 031-757-6336
Gyeonggi-do Seongnam-si 차의과학대학교 분당차병원 031-780-4869
Gyeonggi-do Suwon-si 경기평생교육학습관 031-259-1088
Gyeonggi-do Hanam-si 외국인비전센터 031-796-1881
Gyeonggi-do Seongnam-si 중탑종합사회복지관 031-706-0167
Incheon Gyeyang-gu 사랑의쌀 나눔운동본부 1600-4022
Incheon Namdong-gu 행복한지역아동센터(인천) 070-8823-8291
Region District Name Contact
Seoul Gangnam-gu Good Job 자립생활센터 02-518-2197
Seoul Gangnam-gu 강남구건강가정지원센터 02-3412-7747
Seoul Gangnam-gu 강남구직업재활센터 02-2184-8707
Seoul Gangnam-gu 강남장애인복지관 02-560-8260
Seoul Gangnam-gu 굿네이버스 좋은마음센터 서울성동 02-3443-1391
Seoul Gangnam-gu 차의과학대학교 강남차병원 02-3468-3000
Seoul Gangnam-gu 충현복지관 02-2192-0611
Seoul Gangnam-gu 하상장애인복지관 02-451-6000
Seoul Gangnam-gu 해마을주간보호센터 02-3412-7747
Seoul Gangdong-gu 숲과나무 지역아동센터 02-481-7179
Seoul Gangdong-gu 한국시각장애인복지관 02-440-5200
Seoul Gangbuk-gu 서라벌아카데미지역아동센터 02-998-5621
Seoul Gangbuk-gu 우리지역아동센터 02-980-6625
Seoul Gangseo-gu (사)한국국제기아대책기구 02-2085-8274
Seoul Gangseo-gu 88등촌노인주야간보호센터 02-3665-9966
Seoul Gangseo-gu 늘푸른나무복지관 02-3661-3401
Region District Name Contact
Seoul Gwanak-gu 사단법인행복나무플러스 02-2263-7530
Seoul Gwanak-gu 실로암시각장애인복지관 02-880-0500
Seoul Gwangjin-gu 1318해피존새움터지역아동센터 02-458-1813
Seoul Gwangjin-gu 광진발달장애인평생교육센터 02-455-1221
Seoul Gwangjin-gu 서울시립광진청소년센터 02-2204-3100
Seoul Gwangjin-gu 중곡종합사회복지관 02-3436-4316
Seoul Gwangjin-gu 하나인장애인주간보호센터 070-7727-2858
Seoul Gwangjin-gu 해피엘지역아동센터 070-7734-2118
Seoul Gwangjin-gu 행복한지역아동센터 02-454-8891
Seoul Guro-gu 한베문화교류센터 02-569-8289
Seoul Guro-gu 화원종합사회복지관 02-6925-5275
Seoul Geumcheon-gu 금천구립가산도서관 02-865-6817
Seoul Geumcheon-gu 금천구립독산도서관 02-863-9544
Seoul Geumcheon-gu 금천구립시흥도서관 02-809-8242
Seoul Nowon-gu 공릉종합사회복지관 02-948-0520
Seoul Nowon-gu 대한적십자사 서울동부혈액원 02-2092-9342
Region District Name Contact
Seoul Nowon-gu 마들종합사회복지관 02-971-8387
Seoul Nowon-gu 서울동천학교 02-974-9574~5
Seoul Nowon-gu 서울시립 노원시각장애인복지관 02-950-0114
Seoul Nowon-gu 서울시립뇌성마비복지관 02-932-4415
Seoul Nowon-gu 성민복지관 02-931-7970
Seoul Dobong-gu 사단법인미래와공감 070-4632-0934
Seoul Dongdaemun-gu 동대문구정보화도서관 02-960-1959
Seoul Dongdaemun-gu 동대문노인종합복지관 02-963-0565
Seoul Dongdaemun-gu 동대문장애인종합복지관 02-927-0063
Seoul Dongdaemun-gu 열린사회 동대문 시민회 02-2243-2315
Seoul Dongdaemun-gu 장안종합사회복지관 02-2242-7564
Seoul Dongjak-gu (사)굿네이버스 인터내셔날 서울본부 02-812-2040
Seoul Dongjak-gu 시립보라매청소년수련관 02-834-7234
Seoul Dongjak-gu 청운지역아동복지센터 02-823-8535~6
Seoul Mapo-gu TOUCH4GOOD 02-6349-9006
Seoul Mapo-gu 구립마포청소년문화의집 02-303-2609
Region District Name Contact
Seoul Mapo-gu 사단법인 아동복지실천회세움 02-6929-0936
Seoul Mapo-gu 사단법인 책읽어주기운동본부 02-3434-4310
Seoul Mapo-gu 세이브더칠드런(어린이보호재단) 02-336-9086
Seoul Seodaemun-gu 구립홍은청소년문화의집 02-3216-1318
Seoul Seodaemun-gu 서대문구 공동육아나눔 꿈도담터 070-8822-7597
Seoul Seodaemun-gu 이화여자대학교 종합사회복지관 02-3277-3285
Seoul Seocho-gu (사)한국자원봉사문화 02-415-6575
Seoul Seocho-gu 구립서초유스센터 02-3486-1318
Seoul Seocho-gu 구립우면동서초키움센터 02-573-7942
Seoul Seocho-gu 사단법인 물망초 02-585-9963
Seoul Seocho-gu 서초구건강가정지원센터 02-6919-9750
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu (사)성동구자원봉사센터 02-2286-5893
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu (재)선플재단 02-535-3449
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu (주)마로마브
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 굿네이버스 02-3443-1391
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 라온지역아동센터 02-469-1700
Region District Name Contact
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 마장동주민센터 02-2286-7560
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 멋진월요일 070-8633-9051
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 사단법인 함께한대 02-2220-2004
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 서울성동경찰서 02-2286-0300
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 서울숲컨서번시 02-460-2905
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 서울시설공단 02-2290-7134
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 서울자원센터 02-2244-5133
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 선재누리 02-6959-6858
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동광진교육지원청 마음이랑Wee센터 02-2282-6102
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동교육복지센터 02-2298-2013
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동구 평생학습관 02-2286-7807~8
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동구건강가정지원센터 02-3395-9447
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동구다문화가족지원센터 02-3395-9445
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동구립 금호청소년독서실 02-2299-4214
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동구립도서관 2204-6424
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동구립도서관 02-2204-6431
Region District Name Contact
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동구보건소 02-2286-7112
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동구정신건강복지센터 02-2298-1080
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동구청소년상담복지센터 02-2299-1388
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동구치매지원센터 02-499-8071~4
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동느티나무장애인자립생활센터 02-2296-0551
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동문화재단 교육문화팀 02-2204-7552
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동발달장애인평생교육센터 02-6952-7942
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동장애인종합복지관 02-2290-3111
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성동좋은이웃지역아동센터 02-6052-5440
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성모보호작업시설 02-2238-5881
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성모주간보호센터 02-2298-1120
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 성수종합사회복지관 02-2204-9922
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 시립성동노인종합복지관 02-2298-5117
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 어린이도서관책읽는엄마책읽는아이 02-2297-5935
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 왕십리도선동데이케어센터 02-6925-7117
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 왕십리제2동주민센터 02-2286-7223
Region District Name Contact
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 용답도시재생지원센터 02-2212-8350
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 조이스터디 지역아동센터 02-2282-5694
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 친해교육사회적협동조합 02-228-4772
Seoul Seong-Dong-gu 플레이31
Seoul Seongbuk-gu (재)내셔널트러스트 문화유산기금 02-3675-3401
Seoul Songpa-gu (사)한국여성유권자연맹 02-423-5355
Seoul Songpa-gu 꿈꾸는지역아동센터 02-449-5863
Seoul Songpa-gu 마라보호작업장 02-3401-6040
Seoul Songpa-gu 마천종합사회복지관 02-449-3141
Seoul Songpa-gu 무지개빛청개구리지역아동센터 02-431-1319
Seoul Songpa-gu 삼전종합사회복지관 02-421-6077
Seoul Songpa-gu 서울시각장애인복지관 02-3433-3869
Seoul Songpa-gu 서울창의마을 풍납캠프 070-4848-2249
Seoul Songpa-gu 송파그랜드요양병원 02-406-0999
Seoul Songpa-gu 송파노인종합복지관 02-2203-9400
Seoul Songpa-gu 송파어린이도서관 02-418-0303
Region District Name Contact
Seoul Songpa-gu 송파위례도서관 02-402-3003
Seoul Songpa-gu 풍납종합사회복지관 02-474-1201
Seoul Songpa-gu 한국장애인부모회송파지부마라복지센터 02-3401-6040
Seoul Yangcheon-gu 목동종합사회복지관 02-2651-2332
Seoul Yangcheon-gu 물댄동산 목동지역아동센터 02-2062-6377
Seoul Yangcheon-gu 한누리학교 지역아동센터 02-2695-6507
Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu (사)전국저시력인연합회 2677-4662
Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu 두날개지역아동센터 02-824-3796
Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu 디모데지역아동센터 02-841-8339
Seoul Yeongdeungpo-gu 선유정보문화도서관 02-2163-0808
Seoul Yongsan-gu 구립한남노인요양원 02-790-8999
Seoul Yongsan-gu 사단법인 해돋는마을 02-742-2970
Seoul Eunpyeong-gu (사)프렌드아시아 02-957-8045
Seoul Eunpyeong-gu Ah’늘함께지역아동복지센터 070-7113-5617
Seoul Jongro-gu (사)루푸스를이기는사람들협회 02-2285-4546
Seoul Jongro-gu 구립창삼청소년독서실 02-762-6827
Seoul Jongro-gu 국립민속박물관 02-3704-3129
Seoul Jongro-gu 녹색소비자연대전국협의회 02-3273-7117
Seoul Jongro-gu 서울글로벌센터 02-2075-4180
Region District Name Contact
Seoul Jongro-gu 서울노인복지센터 02-6220-8500
Seoul Jongro-gu 서울대학병원 02-2072-2790
Seoul Jongro-gu 아가페 의료봉사단 02-397-6325
Seoul Jongro-gu 주식회사 스플래시 010-4622-2847
Seoul Jongro-gu 한국소극장협회 02-741-4188
Seoul Jongro-gu 한국학생점자도서관 02-880-0603
Seoul Jung-Gu 국립중앙극장 공연예술박물관 02-2280-5808
Seoul Jung-Gu 국립중앙의료원 02-2260-7063
Seoul Jung-Gu 나비훨훨지역아동센터 02-2237-8390
Seoul Jung-Gu 느티나무어린이도서관 02-3298-0918
Seoul Jung-Gu 더퍼블리카 02-777-0603
Seoul Jung-Gu 서울YWCA 02-3705-6023
Seoul Jung-Gu 스마일재단 02-757-2836
Seoul Jung-Gu 신당꿈지역아동센터 02-2297-5518
Seoul Jung-Gu 엘림지역아동센터 02-2252-9123
Seoul Jung-Gu 재단법인 아름다운가게 1577-1113
Seoul Jung-Gu 중구교육복지센터 02-3789-1981
Seoul Jung-Gu 중구여성플라자 02-2236-9985
Seoul Jung-Gu 중림종합사회복지관 02-362-3348
Seoul Jungrang-gu 면목종합사회복지관 02-436-0500
Seventeen Hearts
Love in Action