Changes the world
Asia Pacific Youth Exchange
Photos of 2019 APYE KOREA
as well as in regional development cooperation activities. It is held annually during vacation periods in the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Korea.
In the summer of 2018, Hanyang University jointly hosted the 2018 APYE Korea with UYA (Urban Youth Academy),
ADB (Asian Development Bank), and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme).
The 2018 APYE Korea, held under the theme "Social Venture for SDGs," brought together 160 youth participants from 16 countries.
From August 12 to 20, 2018, over 8 nights and 9 days, the program aimed to develop business models addressing social issues in Seongdong-gu,
such as educational gaps in multicultural families, waste recycling, childcare, information gaps for people with disabilities, and the decline of traditional markets.
Participants teamed up with youth from the Asia-Pacific region to strengthen their abilities to empathize with local issues and design solutions. They engaged in Leadership Training,
which focused on solution design, Local Immersion, where they worked with local residents and mentors to develop solutions on-site, and a Symposium, where teams presented their ideas and participated in discussions.
Through this process, participants reflect on how they can contribute to achieving the SDGs, the shared goals of the international community, and take a step forward in becoming global social innovation leaders.
On the final day of the event, participants held a campaign at Wangsimni Square, explaining the solutions they developed to Seongdong residents and encouraging their involvement.
The family of a Vietnamese migrant woman who participated in the interview on multicultural families and education visited Wangsimni Square
to support and cheer for the participants' presentations, leaving a touching impression on everyone.
Meanwhile, the Ttok Ttok team, part of the traditional market revitalization group that studied Ttukdo Market, proposed plans and marketing solutions for the market's signature products
during the symposium. Their idea was recognized as an outstanding one. In the second semester,
they participated in a social venture boot camp to enhance the feasibility of their idea and are now preparing to implement it as a follow-up project.
The significance of the 2018 APYE Korea lies not merely in the 24 project ideas developed by over 160 participants, but in the meaningful process where youth from around the world came together,
albeit briefly, to address issues in the Seongdong area. Through this collaboration, they fostered mutual understanding and shared the inspiration of encouraging each other's growth.
This is because a true changemaker who transforms the world is a leader who understands others and supports their growth.
Meanwhile, the 2018 APYE Korea not only established itself as a program supporting the growth of Asia-Pacific youth but also served as an excellent opportunity for global networking among social innovation organizations. Many partner institutions sharing the vision of social innovation participated, including the LINC+ Project Group, the Office of International Affairs,
the Asia-Pacific Research Center, the ERICA Campus Volunteer Corps, Seongdong District Office, Seongdong Youth Support Center, the Office of the Vice President of the Philippines, SK Happiness Foundation, British Council, CSR Forum, Seongdong Multicultural Family Support Center, Seoul Upcycling Plaza, ChinHae Education Social Cooperative,
Seongdong Comprehensive Welfare Center for the Disabled, and Seongdong Sustainable Urban Center. Family Support Center, Seoul Upcycling Plaza, ChinHae Education Social Cooperative, Seongdong Comprehensive Welfare Center for the Disabled, and Seongdong Sustainable Urban Center.
Detailed Goals
■ Increase youth understanding of the SDGs.
■ Spread the SDGs to local communities and the world.
■ Develop the capabilities of youth for SDGs projects and activities.
■ Develop the region in a sustainable direction and encourage youth to contribute to this development.
■ Ensure that activities are not one-time events, but foster continuous development efforts.
APYE Leadership Traning
while teaching them methods for field research and project development.
1. Self-reflection and Understanding of SDGs
Participants are given ample time
to learn about and assess themselves,
allowing them to discover their own potential.
Increase understanding of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
and help participants realize the importance of
youth participation and leadership
in achieving the SDGs.
2. Development of Design Thinking
Through empathy, participants internalize the Design Thinking approach,
which helps them identify the "real problems"
and creatively develop solutions.
Through learning methods such as survey techniques, project development,
data analysis, and action plan creation, youth are empowered to take the lead
in solving problems
within local communities.
3. Team Building and Networking
Through team activities grouped by interest in specific SDG topics,
participants are given the opportunity to build
teamwork with youth from diverse backgrounds.
Provide networking opportunities for youth leaders
in the Asia-Pacific region to actively participate in
sustainable development and contribute
to the advancement of local communities.
APYE Local Immersion
and directly create and propose policies or projects to address these issues based on the SDGs.
1. Local Community Experience
Through interviews and observational research
with locals, as well as homestays, participants gain direct experience of the challenges
faced by the local community.
By applying the methodologies learned through leadership training in the field,
participants identify the real issues faced
by local residents and contemplate
fundamental solutions.
2. Experiencing the Necessity of SDGs and Promoting Their Spread
Participants learn how SDGs can bring about changes in local communities
and experience the necessity
of the SDGs firsthand.
Through interviews with locals and meetings with
government officials, participants explain the
APYE and SDGs and encourage participation, thus
contributing to the education and spread of the SDGs.
3. Designing Local Problem-Solving Projects
Participants propose projects to solve local issues
using the information gathered from interviews and research.
Each team presents their solutions to local
residents and government officials, receiving
feedback and advice on how to improve the
feasibility of their projects and make necessary adjustments.
APYE Local Immersion (Ansan)
APYE Symposium
of the projects. It is a time when the voices of young people take center stage.
1. Project Detailing and Showcase
Participants gather at the ADB or UNDP
headquarters to prepare their team solutions,
which were developed during the Local Immersion period.
Before the final presentation, a SDGs project showcase is held, where participants receive ,
feedback from other teams, visitors from international organizations
and local mentors, and incorporate their
suggestions into the presentation materials.
2. Final Presentation and Selection of Outstanding Projects
Participants present their solutions in front of
international organizations such as ADB and
UNDP, UYA, as well as local government and community stakeholders.
The projects are evaluated comprehensively
based on their feasibility, including aspects such
as securing funding, the effectiveness post-
implementation, and the potential for community involvement.
3. Discussion on the Post-APYE Phase
During the symposium, participants are informed
about the activities they can engage in within
international development and local development,
and are guided to prepare for the next steps.
Projects that are evaluated as feasible solutions
during the presentations will receive support from
international organizations and partner institutions to help expand youth participation in the realization of the SDGs.
17개국 청년들의 SDGs를 위한 아이디어 교류, <2019 APYE KOREA> DAY 1
이번 2019 APYE KOREA는 한양대, 계명대, 아시아 개발은행 (ADB), 유엔개발계획(UNDO)과 얼반유스아카데미(UYA)가 공동 주최한 아시아-태평양 청소년 교류 프로그램이다. 이 날인 19일 개막을 시작으로 27일까지 서울과 안산, 대구에서 펼쳐지게 되며 17개국에서 온 약 150명의 참가자와 스태프들이 참여한다. 또한 ‘다문화 가정과 외국인의 삶’을 주제로 성동구 건강 가정 · 다문화 가족 지원 센터, 한양대학교 글로벌 다문화 연구원, 대구광역시 동구 건강 가정 · 다문화 가족 지원 센터, 안산시 다문화 지원본부 등 다문화 관련 기관들도 함께한다.
ERICA 캠퍼스 내 LION’s HALL 에서 열린 오프닝 행사는 주요 인사들의 격려의 말로써 막을 올렸다. 양내원 한양대학교 ERICA 캠퍼스 부총장을 비롯해서 남재열 계명대학교 부총장, 김종걸 한양대학교 사회봉사단 부단장, 로드릭 드 카스트로 Team Energy Foundation 이사, 랄쯔한다마 랄떼 인도 미조람주 교육부 장관이 참가자들에게 힘찬 당부의 말을 전했다. 작년 APYE KOREA 2018 때 ERICA 캠퍼스를 방문했던 레니 로브레도 필리핀 부통령은 이번엔 영상 메세지로 자리를 대신했다.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] ▲ 양내원 한양대학교 ERICA 부총장과 랄쯔한다마 랄떼 인도 미주람주 교육부장관이 개막 축사를 전하고 있다[/caption]
오프닝 행사가 끝난 뒤 먼저 현재 진행되고 있는 SDGs 활동들에 대한 워크샵이 시작되었다. 세계 각지에서 활동하고 있는 UN 산하 기관인 유엔개발계획(UNDP), 유엔 아시아 · 태평양 경제사회이사회(UNESCAP), 유엔협회세계연맹(WFUNA)의 스태프들이 각 기관에 대한 강연을 펼쳤다. 참가자들은 자신이 관심있는 기관을 선택하여 강연을 들을 수 있었다. 한양대학교 또한 LUNA (Light Up the NAtion) 프로젝트를 소개하며 SDGs 활동에 적극적으로 동참하고 있음을 알렸다.
오후에는 참가자들이 그룹별로 나뉘어 드림하우스 모형을 폐품을 활용해 만들어 보는 시간을 가졌다. 팀원 각자가 원하는 모든 것을 만들어 넣는 그룹도 있었고, 대화를 통해 합의점을 도출하려는 팀도 있었다. 팀 활동을 진행해 나가면서 대화와 협력을 통해 서로에 대해 더 이해해 나가는 과정이 돋보였다. 그 후에는 재미있는 팀 활동에서 더 나아가 토의를 통해 팀 공동의 목표와 가치를 정하는 시간이 있었다. 잠시 쉬는 시간을 가진 후에 인간중심 설계(HCD; Human Centered Design)에 대한 강연을 끝으로 첫 날 일정이 마무리 되었다.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] ▲ 한 팀의 참가자들이 함께 협력하여 드림하우스 모형을 만들고 있다[/caption]
중간에 있었던 쉬는 시간에 한 참가자와 인터뷰를 진행했다. 말레이시아에서 온 Ayadi Muqri는 장난꾸러기 같은 미소를 가졌지만 눈빛은 진지해보이는 참가자였다. UN 산하 기관들의 워크샵이 어땠느냐는 질문에 그는 “그들이 가진 (사회적)기업가 정신이란 꽤나 대단하다는 걸 배웠다. 진정한 (사회적)기업가가 되기 위해서는 자신이 사회에 공헌하기 위해 무얼 할 수 있고 무엇을 해야만 하는지에 대한 진지한 고민이 필요하기 때문이다. 나중에 그런 것들에 대해 더 고민해 봐야겠다” 고 답했다. 팀 활동에 대해서는 모두와 함께 협동해서 멋진 드림 하우스를 만들어내 기쁘다고 답했다. 협동의 과정에서 어려움은 없었냐는 물음에는 “물론 의견을 맞춰 나가는 것은 어려운 과정이지만 그것이 사람들이 함께 일하는 방식이며, 더 나은 세상을 만들어가는 방법이라는 것을 알았기 때문에 유익한 시간이었다고 생각한다”고 답했다.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] ▲ Ayadi는 유머러스 하면서도 생각이 깊은 친구였다. 한국어를 잘 하는 데다 국제관에 자주 출몰한다고 하니 보이면 말을 걸어보자[/caption]
국경을 막론하고 깊이 생각해봐야 할 사회적 문제들이 많아지는 오늘날이기에, 17개나 되는 나라에서 온 참가자들이 사회적 가치를 실현하기 위해 모인 이 자리가 더욱 의미 있게 다가온다. 다른 국적, 다른 문화를 가진 청년들이 SDGs라는 공통의 목표를 위해 열정적으로 활동하는 모습을 보며 마지막 날에 참가자들이 얼마나 발전해 있을 지 기대되는 첫 날이었다.
▲ Welcome to 2019 APYE Korea Youtube 영상
본 기획은 시리즈형식으로 업로드됩니다.
The articles will be continued in a serial form
한양대학교 사회혁신센터 미디어 홍보단
Number | Thumbnail | Title | Author | Date | Votes | Views |
4 |
Kim Ja-kyung
Votes 1
Views 828
Kim Ja-kyung | 2019.09.10 | 1 | 828 | |
3 |
Um Da-young
Votes 0
Views 764
Um Da-young | 2019.09.09 | 0 | 764 | |
2 |
Um Da-young
Votes 1
Views 817
Um Da-young | 2019.09.05 | 1 | 817 | |
1 |
Jeong Min-chae
Votes 1
Views 765
Jeong Min-chae | 2019.09.03 | 1 | 765 |