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한양의 인재는 이웃, 지역사회, 나아가 전 세계를 위해 배움을 실천하는 리더로서의 책임을 다할 것입니다.
한양의 인재상은 모든 세계시민이 함께 이루고자 하는 지속가능발전목표(SDGs)의 철학과 맞닿아 있습니다.
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1 빈곤 증식
2 기아 종식
3 보건 및 웰빙
4 양질의 교육
5 성평등
6 깨끗한 식수
7 에너지 보장
8 경제성장
9 인프라 구축과 산업화 확대
10 불평등 감소
11 지속가능한 도시와 거주지 조성
12 지속가능한 소비와 생산양식 확립
13 기후변화 대응
14 수자원 보호
15 육상 생태계 보호
16 평화롭고 정의로운 사회 증진과 제도 구축
17 이행수단과 글로벌 파트너십 강화
한양의 지속가능발전목표 행동
[En]Seoul-cial Innovation Series (1) - Hanyang University, Inventureship, Changemaker
2019-07-09 13:51
Written by Jonathan Ma (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) on July 6, 2018
The first stop we make is Hanyang University. They are the first university in Asia to offer Social Innovation as a major in their curriculum. Recently, they became the first Ashoka U Changemaker Campus in East Asia.
Below shows the campus HIT plaque and Startup Town.
Credits: Miss Helen Wong
Professor Shin, who is the major driver in Hangyang University's Social Innovation education, gave us a brief introduction on student initiatives and the support the University has given to them.
By coincidence, we are joined by a group from Cologne Business School (Germany) at Hangyang. We met again the next few days by coincidence again.
Credits: Prof. SHIN, Hyun Sang, Hanyang University
Professor Shin started off with defining Social Innovation through Microfinancing and UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs), then went through how Hanyang support their students.
Credits: Prof. SHIN, Hyun Sang, Hanyang University
Next up is Mr. Jae Myung Lee, a student leader of the Hanyang Social Innovation Lab, describing a project Artist Tak they have done to help a disabled artist to sell online.
Credits: Mr. Jae Myung Lee, Hanyang University
The uniqueness of Inventureship is that students start off with a simple 'mission assignment' from Professor Shin, and then branch out to learn the essential skillsets of setting up a real digital agency. No written exams needed.
Credits: Mr. Jae Myung Lee, Hanyang University
Further Reading
- More about the Artist Tak project.
- Below is a TEDx video of Prof. Shin talking about Measuring Social Impact
Original source: https://ctjcema.people.ust.hk/index.php/blog/seoul-cial-innovation-series-1-hanyang-university,-inventureship,-changemaker
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