페이지 선택

HYU Social Service Team


한양대학교 사회봉사팀의 소식을 확인하실 수 있습니다.

1st APYE India Online Recruitment(Apply until 2020.DEC 17 5PM)

2020-11-30 11:04


Asia Pacific Youth Exchange Program(APYE) provides opportunities for youth in Asia Pacific to directly participate and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) Agenda. Participants can develop relevant capacities through planning and implementing sustainable development projects to grow as active actors in implementing the SDGs. For this time, APYE provides mixed on/offline program. The participants can learn how to develop a team project, research the local site and do on through online with local team member in the project site. The program will be held in English without translation.


Entrepreneurship and SDGs under Sustainable Bio Economy

<<Local Immersion Site>>

Mizoram, India. Korean and International participants will join virtually

<<Qualification of application>>
    • Maximum 33 students.
    • Please apply as individual.
    • Undergraduate and graduate students of Seoul Campus, Hanyang University only.
    • Preference to the participants who registered last APYE Vietnam and Jeju that canceled because of COVID-19.
    • Preference to the students interested in SDGs, Entrepreneurship, Bio-Economy, Social Venture, International Development Cooperation etc.
    • Preference to the students major in Social Innovation.
    • Please apply who can participate in all schedules.
    • Application period: 2020 Nov 30th ~ 2020 Dec 17th 5PM
    • Announcement: 2020 Dec 18th 5PM at https://hvc.hanyang.ac.kr/ (the notice page of Social Innovation Center’s website)(The schedule may change)
    • Write all the details as the example down below and Send an E-mail to j2m2akf@hanyang.ac.kr
<<Example of application form>>
    • Name: Lee Hanyang
    • Date of Birth, Gender, Nationality: 2012-03-14, F, Korean
    • Major, student numbers, year: Business administration, 2012044526, 3rd
    • Phone numbers, E-mails: 010-1234-1234, iloveHY@gmail.com
    • Why do you apply for this program?
    • How is your English?
<<Participation Benefits>>
    • Certificate of completion
    • Supporting all participation fee
    • Will support Top 3 teams’ project  and invite members of top 3 teams at 2022 APYE India Program and support all participation fee and flights

***Program Schedules***
Date Session others
~ Dec 17 5PM Recruiting Apply to the E-mail address
Dec 18 5PM Announcement of the participation Check the notice page

2021 Jan 28 Orientation and Pre session Online
Jan 29 High Level Forum

/Leadership Development Training
Jan 30 Leadership Development Training
Jan 31 ~ Feb 3 Local Immersion Mizoram Local participants - offline,

International participants – online
Feb 4 Mentorship Day Presentation and Ceremony

Feb 5 Asia Pacific Youth Symposium
전체 120
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